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Welcome to Mind Above

Mind Above is founded on the knowledge that all people deserve support and counseling that is holistic, unbiased, and approachable. When therapy is honest yet caring and compassionate yet accountable, meaningful progress and healing occurs.


Individual Therapy

Taking approaches to mental health that consider all aspects of what is affecting you: work, transitions, life changes, relationships, and more. Allowing yourself to address your needs through holistic, strengths based approaches to mental health and well-being.

Couples Therapy

Couples counseling that is modern and aware of the various dynamics of relationships that does not shy away from discussing the realities of what each partner wants, needs, and desires. The goal is understanding and consideration for the individuals as well as the collective identity of the relationship.


Group Therapy

Taking counseling and incorporating dynamics of social support allow for encouragement and connection to others facing challenges. Groups include focus areas that range from LGBTQ+, young professionals, trauma, mindfulness, transition assistance, and more.




Interested in attending wellness retreats?

For more information on planning, schedule, and updates for retreats:

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Upcoming Events


Show & Tell - Learning Engagements
On going

Attend this learning session discussing the power of breathing and grounding. Learn coping skills to reduce stress & anxiety in the workplace. Next session: TBD

The Blog

Check out the blog for updates and posts.

Walk to Wellness - Neighborhood Exploring
On going

Fall in love with the places that surround you daily. Grab your camera, bring friends, and take a walk as we discuss the intersections of history, culture, and wellness. These outings are designed to be group friendly, just for fun, and engaging. More details to come with walks throughout iconic Dallas neighborhoods.